Fondacioni Golden Eagle nis fushatën e bamirësisë në Shqipëri

The Golden Eagle Foundation has announced the start of a charitable campaign in Albania that will continue from 02 October until December 31/2023. This is a great endeavor. The foundation, in collaboration with Frutex Company, strives to provide a distinctive contribution to charity by allocating 5 lekë from each Golden Eagle product sold. This humanitarian […]

Fuqizimi i arsimimit: Një hap i rëndësishëm drejt barazisë

Today marks a significant step towards achieving equal education for everyone, as we commemorate a momentous event aimed at illuminating the pathways of learning. In a special gathering hosted at the National Library of Pristina, we proudly distributed 200 backpacks filled with school supplies to students facing unique challenges. Together, we are paving the way […]

Fuqizimi i aftësive: Një kapitull i ri fillon me hapjen e një fabrike për personat me aftësi të kufizuara

In a groundbreaking stride towards inclusivity and empowerment, a small yet impactful factory is inaugurating today, exclusively hiring individuals with disabilities. This transformative initiative becomes a reality thanks to the generous support of the Golden Eagle Foundation, reflecting a dedicated commitment to creating opportunities for those frequently marginalized in the workforce. Although currently employing a […]