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Golden Eagle Carnival: A Spectacle of Culture and Artistry Unfolds in Suharekë!

December 18, 2023
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There is an inspiring atmosphere on the horizon of Suhareka, Kosovo, to celebrate one of the most spectacular events of the year – the Golden Eagle Carnival. On June 28, 29 and 30, the city will be filled with color, music and energy to welcome visitors from all over the world.

The official celebrations begin with a special splendor on June 28. From 20:00, several artists will bring their innovative music and performance on the stage. However, the real spectacle starts at 21:00, when the concert fills with the amazing music of well-known singers such as DJ PM and DJ DAGZ, YA NINA and Elgit Doda, creating an unparalleled atmosphere of festivities and enjoyment. The second day of the Carnival, which will be taking place on the 29th of June, begins with a grand parade from 19:00 to 20:30, throughout the city center.

Bands from all over the world will unfold their talents in the streets of Suhareka, bringing a special color and festive atmosphere. From 8:30 p.m., attention will return to the main stage, where the performances will continue with intensity.

Afterwards, well-known artists such as Bardhi, Luiz Ejlli and Xhensila Myrtezaj will take over the stage, bringing music and energy, both which will be unforgettable. The last day of the celebration, which will take place on June 30th, marks the climax of the Golden Eagle Carnival. From 20:00, various groups will bring amazing performances on stage, filling the atmosphere with wonderful rhythms and choreography.

Thereafter, it’s the turn of well-known singers such as Yll Limani, Dafina Zeqiri and Dj Gimi-O, whose music and inspired performances, ensure that this party ends on an emotional and euphoric note. The Golden Eagle Carnival in Suhareka, is undoubtedly going to be a peculiar experience, full of emotions, music and fun.

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